How to Provision AWS EC2 Instances with Terraform: A Step-by-Step Guide

Using Terraform Modules for AWS EC2 Deployment

How to Provision AWS EC2 Instances with Terraform: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, we are going to learn about the most used service i.e. AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and Security Group with the Terraform Modules, how to provision with terraform. We all know AWS offers 200 services, and to manage to make it scalable, efficient is what all businesses want but to manage these services manually is a big challenging task and also time-consuming and error-prone.

By introducing Terraform as IaC (Infrastructure As Code) tool it enables to automate the entire infrastructure within minutes by ensuring consistency and repeatability across all environments.


  1. Terraform

  2. AWS Account

  3. Little bit of knowledge of AWS and Terraform :)

Setting Up Environment

  1. Installing Terraform on Windows

Terraform Install on Windows

  1. Creating IAM User with Required Permissions for Terraform
  • Navigate to Search Bar of AWS Console and search IAM (Identity Access and Management)

  • Click on IAM, in left side go to Users section and click on Create User.

  • After naming the user “terraform“, assign permissions for now Administrator Access.

  • Now, click on terraform user go to Security Credentials and scroll down for Access Key.

  • As we can see there is no Access Keys so let’s create access key, choose CLI for usecase and click on Next provide Description and then Next you will get Access and Secret Key.

  • Download the CSV file and now copy the Secret and Access Key for usage in terraform.

Understanding Terraform Basics

In corporate world, if we talk about Terraform it was the most used IaC tool that was also most asked in interviews. We are going to learn about Terraform Modules,, terraform.tfvars.

Terraform Modules:

When we start writing Terraform code, we usually have,, and But what if we need to use these files every time with different settings? Writing them over and over is a hassle and can lead to mistakes.

That's where Terraform Modules come in handy. They let us separate the service code from the main file and the other two files. For example, if we want to create an EC2 instance, we make a module folder with,, and Then, we just call this module in the file in the parent folder.


In terraform to create variables we create in which we create variable block and call the variables in file. We will see how we are calling the variables.


It is used to store variables, while is used to declare the variables and in tfvars we assign the values for them.

Creating AWS EC2 Instance

Overview of EC2 Instance:

Let’s say we want to launch some servers to deploy some applications in organization, for this we need servers in our datacenters that will be costly and we had to handle all the servers manually.

To reduce this setup of datacenters cost AWS has launched EC2 service that creates virtual servers in our nearby datacenters by this we just need to only manage virtual machines on AWS with minimal cost.

If you need to check the prices of Amazon EC2, open the AWS Calculator pricing that will give the real time price of AWS EC2.

AWS Calculator

Configuring EC2 Instance with Terraform:

  1. Let’s create directory structure for ec2-module and parent folder. As we can see that modules folder contain two ec2-instance and security-group.

    1. First, let’s create the ec2-instance module in which it contains, and

       resource "aws_instance" "ec2_instance" {
         ami = var.ami 
         instance_type = var.instance_type
         vpc_security_group_ids = var.security_group_ids
         user_data = <<-EOF
                     apt-get update
                     apt install nginx -y
                     systemctl start nginx
                     systemctl enable nginx
         tags = {
           Name = "Terraform Instance"

      In folder of ec2-instance module it has the resource block which contains parameter ami, instance_type, and vpc_security_group. It also has the User Data script that contains the commands to install nginx and at last it has tags.

       variable "ami" {
         description = "AMI ID for the EC2 instance"
         type        = string
       variable "instance_type" {
         description = "Type of EC2 instance"
         type        = string
       variable "security_group_ids" {
         description = "List of security group IDs to attach to the instance"
         type        = list(string)

      In we declare the variables ami, instance_type and security_group_ids. To call the variables in we write var.ami or var.instance_type

       output "instance_id" {
         value =
       output "public_ip" {
         value = aws_instance.ec2_instance.public_ip

      In file we are printing outputs of attributes of EC2 instance like public_ip and instance_id.

    2. Now, let’s do the same for the security group module in which same directory structure is there, and

       resource "aws_security_group" "ec2_sg" {
         name        = var.sg_name
         description = "Security group for EC2 instance"
         ingress {
           from_port   = 22
           to_port     = 22
           protocol    = "tcp"
           cidr_blocks = [var.allowed_ssh_cidr] 
         ingress {
           from_port   = 80
           to_port     = 80
           protocol    = "tcp"
           cidr_blocks = [var.allowed_ssh_cidr]
         egress {
           from_port   = 0
           to_port     = 0
           protocol    = "-1"
           cidr_blocks = [var.allowed_ssh_cidr]
         tags = {
           Name = var.sg_name

      In the of security group we have resource block in which we are creating inbound rules (ingress) that allows the port 80 and SSH port 22.

       variable "sg_name" {
         description = "Name of the security group"
         type        = string
         default     = "ec2_security_group"
       variable "allowed_ssh_cidr" {
         description = "CIDR block allowed to SSH"
         type        = string
         default     = "" 

      In the we had declared two variables that is sg_name and allowed_ssh_cidr which contains default ““ that will allow all incoming traffic.

       output "security_group_id" {
         description = "The ID of the security group"
         value       =

      In the file we are getting the output of sg_id. aws_security_group is the parameter name and ec2_sg is the local name which had taken from the resource block of security group and id is the attribute.

    3. Now we had done the creation of modules, but how we call them in which is in parent folder. Let’s see this

       provider "aws" {
         region = var.region
         access_key = var.aws_access_key_id
         secret_key = var.aws_secret_access_key
       module "ec2_instance" {
         source = "./modules/ec2-instance"
         ami = "ami-09b0a86a2c84101e1"
         instance_type = var.instance_type
         security_group_ids = [module.ec2_sg.security_group_id]
       module "ec2_sg" {
         source = "./modules/security-group"
         sg_name = "EC2-securitygroup"
       output "instance_id" {
         value = module.ec2_instance.instance_id
       output "public_ip" {
         value = module.ec2_instance.public_ip
       output "security_group_id" {
         value = module.ec2_sg.security_group_id

      In this file we had first block of provider which will install aws dependencies then there are 2 blocks of module which contain source which is calling the ec2-instance module and same for security group and at last there are 3 blocks of output.

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      Okay, we discussed a lot now let’s do the creation of AWS EC2 instance.

  1. First initialize the terraform by executing the command. It will download the plugins of AWS and store in .terraform folder and also creates modules folder which contains the module.json

     terraform init

  1. Now execute to plan the infrastructure by executing which will ask the value of Type of instance and AWS Region as we had declared in the file in parent folder.

     terraform plan

    While executing terraform plan it prints the result that you are going to create on AWS.

  2. At last we will create the EC2 instance and security group on AWS by executing

     terraform apply --var-file="terraform.tfvars"

    In terraform.tfvars file I declared the access key and secret key which is not pushed in the GitHub for security purposes.

    When we type “yes” it will start creating the EC2 instance and Security Group on AWS that will print the output which we had given in the output file.

    Let’s copy and paste the Public IP of instance and see the “Welcome to Nginx“ page. Navigate to http://<Your Public IP>

After this do the most important thing clean all the resources on AWS Just execute the command.

terraform destroy --var-file="terraform.tfvars"

As we can see the line “Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.“ that means the resources are deleted. See so simple just execute one command and destroys all in seconds.


In this article, we had learnt the creation of EC2 instance and security group with terraform. Meanwhile in the upcoming blogs you will see a lot of AWS Services creation and automating it with terraform. Stay tuned for the next blog !!!

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